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Charlottetown Minor Hockey Association
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Last updated: February 17, 2022

Keep Score Like a Pro - Hockey PEI Tips
Penalty Reference Sheet

  • Uploading Games: Once games are signed and locked by the officials, the gamesheet needs to be uploaded by pressing the blue iCloud icon when prompted. You must be connected to the internet in order to do this. It must be done in order for scores to be submitted and team standings be reflected. Should you receive an error message when going to upload your game, please ensure the iPad is connected to the internet.
  • Rescheduling Games: Once teams know that a game is going to be rescheduled, they must let their League Coordinators know as soon as possible. League Coordinators are the only members who have the permissions to update game dates and times.
  • Exhibition Games / Front-End Public Dashboard: Teams are encouraged to use the GameSheet scoring app on the iPad for exhibition games. Simply follow the steps of “New Game” > “From Scratch” > Select the type of game as EXHIBITION > Select the division and teams and begin scoring. It’s important to note when members are looking at their front-end league standings page, they must adjust their filters to “regular season” to view the standings for regular season only. The default is currently set to all games which shows all game results reflected in the standings.
  • Officials: Please ensure your MHA Officials are taking the time to review the game sheet on the iPad and edit if needed before locking the game. Referee game notes should also be as accurate as possible. There is a type in or voice recording option for incident reports.
    • Misconduct/Unsportsmanlike Penalties: Please use the proper codes when applying these two penalties: Unsportsmanlike conduct (code USC) is a 2 minute penalty; Misconduct (code M20) is a 10 minute penalty.
  • iPads: After use, iPads should be directly put back on the designated charging station.
  • GameSheet automatically classifies goals as power play (PP), shorthanded (SH), and game winning (GWG).
  • GameSheet now supports team logos! Available on your team's roster page on the GameSheet dashboard.

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