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Final Hockey PEI Coaching Clinics Announced.


Please make sure that your coaching staff has attended the required courses or have previous certification for the level that they are coaching this season.

Coach Clinic Reminder

Intro Coach
23/11/10   6pm-10pm   Pownal Sports Centre  
25/11/10   6pm-10pm   O'Leary Access PEI

Coach 1
27/11/10   9am-5pm   O'Leary Access PEI
28/11/10   9am-5pm   Montague Wellness Centre   
04/12/10   9am-5pm   Charlottetown House of Sport

Development 1
11/12/10   9am-5pm   Charlottetown House of Sport Rm 125

Trainer Clinic
04/12/10   8:30am-4:30pm   Charlottetown House of Sport

The INTRO Coach is a short course for those wishing to coach at the IP (Squirts) and Novice levels.  Coaches in these programs must take this course regardless of other levels they might have. 

Coach 1 is the level required for all levels of A hockey and assistants at AA

Development 1 is required for all AAA coaches and the head coaches of AA.  The assistants at AA do not have to have Development 1 this year, but must next year.

To register for any of these courses please do so on line at

Today's (March 6th) SYSPEI Gold Rush - estimated pot $18,500+


Today's (Feb 27th) SYSPEI Gold Rush - estimated pot $9,000+


Today's (Feb 20th) SYSPEI Gold Rush - pot may reach $9,000


Today's (Feb 13th) SYSPEI Gold Rush - estimated pot close to $40,000
