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Today's SYSPEI Gold Rush - estimated pot $9,000


Today's SYSPEI Gold Rush - estimated pot $9,000

Good morning,
Today's SYSPEI Gold Rush is estimated to be over $9,000.  Sign up and play today ( for your chance to win half the pot while helping us raise funds to support our programs. 
Another great way to help us raise funds is to engage your social media friends and followers.  Please take a moment to SHARE this morning's Facebook ( and Instagram ( posts.
Thanks!  Good luck!

Today's (March 6th) SYSPEI Gold Rush - estimated pot $18,500+


Today's (Feb 27th) SYSPEI Gold Rush - estimated pot $9,000+


Today's (Feb 20th) SYSPEI Gold Rush - pot may reach $9,000


Today's (Feb 13th) SYSPEI Gold Rush - estimated pot close to $40,000
