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Goalie conditioning camp update


The goalie conditioning camps have 2 new ice times and the goalies were divided into groups 
Please look at which group and ice time you have been assigned to 
U13-U18 group 1 is Sept 14th 9:00am-10:00 am at BAC
U13-U18 group 2 is Sept 14th 10:15am-11:15 am at BAC
U7-U11 group 1 is Sept 21st    9:00am-10:00 am at Eastlink Center
U7-U11 group 1 is Sept 21st    10;15am-11:15 am at Eastlink Center


U13 AAA/AA Central Attack Phase 3 Ice Times


Goalie conditioning camp update


Today's Gold Rush pot is estimated to close in on $18,000


Call For Central Storm Coaches U13 AA & U15 AA
