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Charlottetown Minor Hockey Association
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Call for Executive Nominations and Division Coordinator Nominations


The deadline for nominations is May 14th, 2022.

The Charlottetown Minor Hockey Association AGM is tentatively scheduled for June 8th.

In advance of the AGM, the CMHA is seeking nominations for the following positions and terms. A brief descriptions of duties is below each position.

Executive Nominations

Director of Finance (3 year term)​
  • prepare an annual budget for consideration and approval by the Board of Directors;
  • ​have custody of all funds, and shall bank all monies at a recognized financial institution in the name of the Association;
  • keep an accurate account of all income, expenditures, accounts payable and accounts receivable;
  • report on the financial status of the Association to the Board of Directors at least once per month
  • make all payments by cheque and produce an exact account of all financial transactions; and
  • present a financial statement to the membership at the annual meeting.
Director of Officials (3 year term)
  • maintain an inventory of persons qualified and interested in refereeing;
  • ​encourage, through providing training sessions or referral to other training sessions, the upgrading of qualifications of referees;
  • ensure that referees are assigned to all games except those assigned by Hockey PEI;
  • receive and review all Referee Game Reports and forward immediately to the President, with appropriate comments, all Game Reports in cases of match penalties, game misconduct penalties, or other infractions requiring disciplinary action;
  • be the liaison between the Referees and the members of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors, and as such will be the person through whom all contact with the referees must be made;
  • establish with the Board of Directors a fee schedule for CMHA Referees, and arrange with the Treasurer for a method of payment for all game assignments.
Director of Communications (3 year term)
  • manage social media accounts;
  • liaise between the executive board and the board of the Spud tournament;
  • conduct fundraising as directed by the executive board;
  • ​identify means of fundraising/sponsorship.
Director of Team Services (1 year term)
  • distribute and collect equipment;
  • ensure police record checks for team officials are completed and submitted;
  • identify, purchase, and maintain equipment as directed;
  • maintain a list of team officials.
Director of Member Services (1 year term)
  • manage fall registration;
  • manage registration list;
  • maintain Hockey Canada Registry on behalf of CMHA;
  • coordinate completion of transfers;
  • coordinate the startup schedule.
Director of Operations (2 year term)
  • assign, book, and manage ice times;
  • report on ice usage;
  • bill ice times;
  • manage the back end of the Goalline website;
  • manage assignment of players to teams at all levels;
  • ensure that assignment/selection of players is fair;
  • maintain assignment of players in Goalline.
Director of Female Hockey (2 year term)
  • promote, develop, and grow the female teams and leagues in the Association.

Division Coordinator Nominations
Nominations are being accepted for Division Coordinators for each division. This position was established to ensure a clear line of communication between CMHA members and coordinator to solve team, league, and division issues that may come up throughout the season. This position is a good way to get involved in the administration of the Association without making a huge commitment.

This position is a one-year term position.

To nominate yourself or someone else for any of these positions, please email

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Today's (Feb 27th) SYSPEI Gold Rush - estimated pot $9,000+


Today's (Feb 20th) SYSPEI Gold Rush - pot may reach $9,000


Today's (Feb 13th) SYSPEI Gold Rush - estimated pot close to $40,000
