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Charlottetown Minor Hockey Association
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COVID-19 Protocols for Hockey's Restart


Please carefully review the updated protocols.

Team practices resume today. The protocols highlighted below are summarized in this fact sheet. Our COVID-19 page has all relevant information and it is updated regularly. The following is a summary of changes:
  • Team Practices
    • Team Practices of up to 20 consistent individuals are permitted as of Jan 31, 2022. The only exceptions to this measure are as follows:
    • Exceptions:
      • Team Staff and Volunteers who can maintain physical distancing do not count towards the consistent 20.
      • When half-ice boards are used to split up the ice surface for two groups, the maximum number on each half of the ice is 20 participants and the maximum number in the entire arena area (on‐ice and in the stands) is 50 (participants, team staff, volunteers, parents, etc.).
  • Participant Limitations
    • There are no specific restrictions on being on the ice more than once per day, however if participants are involved with a number of different groups, it is recommended that those participants limit the number of groups they are participating in.
    • It is required that team staff and volunteers maintain physical distancing when interacting with their groups.
  • Game Play, Tournaments, and Travel
    • Game play, tournaments and inter-provincial travel are not permitted for minor hockey at this time.
  • Spectators
    • Depending on the facility, spectators may be permitted as long as they do not exceed a total number of 50 (participants, team staff, volunteers, etc. included).
    • Parents can assist younger participants to get ready for their activity so long as the following is observed:
      • Parents must always wear their mask and physical distance as much as possible.
      • To support physical distancing, facilities should allow for extra space by allocating additional change rooms (if possible) to larger teams or groups and consider staggering use if possible.
      • Vax pass requirements are still in place for those 19 years of age and older and for groups where there are participants who are both over and under 19 years of age.
  • Positive Test or Exposure
Simmons and Cody Banks Arenas:
  • Facilities are allowed 2 cohorts of up to a maximum of 50 people each inside their arena; one cohort on the ice and the second cohort getting ready to go on the ice. No additional spectator cohorts are allowed at this time.
  • The on-ice cohort is allowed a max of 20 participants + coaches/volunteers on the ice. Larger groups (for CMHA, per board instruction) may split the ice in half and have up to 20 participants in each end as long as the two halves of participant/coaches are kept separate at all times.
  • Rules:
    • Users must arrive a maximum 15 minutes prior to their allotted ice time and depart within 15 minutes of the competition of their ice time. We have scaled back to 15 minutes from 30 minutes to minimize the time spent inside our small dressing rooms. This protocol will be re-evaluated once the CPHO loosens the current measures in place.
    • Larger groups are highly encourage to have their participants get dressed at home. If the ice is split in half then those programs will be approaching their max 50 person cohort with just those on the ice so not all parents will be able to enter the arena to help their kids get dressed.
    • If 24 participants/coaches are on the ice then up to 26 others (volunteers/parents) can be in that cohort's assigned zone.  If the ice is split in half by a user with a total of 44 on the ice then only 6 others (volunteers/parents) can be in that cohort's assigned zone. At no time can a cohort exceed 50 people.
    • All participants/coaches/volunteers/parents etc must stay within their assigned zone while in the arena.
    • Non-medical masks are mandatory at all time except when on ice.
    • User groups must screen each individual who enters the building and ensure they do not enter the building if showing any symptoms of COVID-19 or feeling ill.
    • All ice times are Vax Pass events.


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Today's (Feb 20th) SYSPEI Gold Rush - pot may reach $9,000


Today's (Feb 13th) SYSPEI Gold Rush - estimated pot close to $40,000
