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Charlottetown Minor Hockey Association
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Hockey PEI’s Phase 4 Begins Today, October 13th


Masks are now required at all team functions and facilities.

Hello everyone,
Things have been moving along quite quickly and relatively smoothly so far into the season. Most AAA tryouts are finishing up, AA tryouts are starting, and ice times have been running daily since about mid September.
Today, October 13th, marks Hockey PEI’s transition to a “Modified” Phase 4 of their Return to Hockey Plan. This phase allows for a “Return to Regular Competition”. However, in order for this phase to remain in place, there are very strict rules we must follow as players, coaches, officials, volunteers, parents, spectators, and an association. Please take the time to read this letter from the Hockey PEI President explaining Phase 4.
Below is a list of rules that apply to the Charlottetown Minor Hockey Association:
  • Physical distancing must occur where possible.
  • No spectators will be allowed (limited by operational plans of facilities).
  • Pre-screening must be completed by each individual before entering a facility.
  • Contact tracing must occur at each gathering.
  • Masks must be worn by everyone at all times, except the players and officials on the ice when they are on the ice. This includes everyone entering and exiting the facility, players in dressing rooms, coaches on the benches, officials in dressing rooms, and off-ice officials.
  • Hand sanitizer must be available in dressing rooms, on the bench, and in the penalty box. It must be used when entering the facility and dressing rooms.
  • Players are to have on as much equipment as possible when arriving at the facility.
Gameplay Modifications:
  • Games are restricted to the following participants:
    • Up to 22 participants (including players and coaches) per team.
    • 1 trainer (to be provided by the home team).
    • 1 off-ice official (timekeeper/scorekeeper).
    • 3 on-ice officials (4 where required).
  • No team cheers.
  • No meeting at the benches (e.g. between periods).
  • Minimal breaks between periods.
  • Each player must have his/her own clearly identified water bottle.
  • Players must immediately separate and distance between whistles. Increasingly severe penalties will be assessed to those who do not follow this rule.
  • No fighting at any level.
  • No spitting.
  • Regular body contact is allowed where allowed under Hockey Canada and Hockey PEI Rules and Regulations, but players must physically distance immediately after the completion of a play.
  • Players are encouraged to avoid unnecessary contact or collisions where possible.
CMHA COVID Resources:
There is a COVID-19 button on our website now. This can serve as a quick reference to our rules, regulations, and procedures surrounding our adjusted operation. The mandatory self-screening form can be found under the COVID-19 button as a dropdown option.
We also encourage you to look at the both the Simmons floor plan and the Bell Aliant Centre information sheet. All participants must stay in the zone they are assigned for their ice time. This includes coaches. Please set a good example for your team.
Team Liaisons/Contact Tracers:
The contact tracing form can also be found under the COVID-19 button as a dropdown option. It is imperative that these forms are completed for each ice time and immediately emailed to

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