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Charlottetown Minor Hockey Association
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U7 (formerly Initiation Program or IP) starting Sunday Oct. 18


The U7 season is set to begin on Sunday Oct. 18. Players have been divided into three groups to start the season.

Groups can be found here.

Group 1 will be on at 10:20am at Simmons.
Group 2 will be on at 11:30am at Simmons.
Group 3 will be on at 12:40pm at Simmons.  
These groups are NOT finalized ... and will be finalized after first 1-2 sessions. Parents will be notified about further ice times following these ice times.

Each player is permitted to have only one parent/guardian in the rink at each ice time. Siblings will not permitted either on ice as helpers or as spectators. If you are going on the ice with your son or daughter, you are considered the parent for your child allowed in the building and cannot bring an additional person as a spectator.

We have to stay under the maximum of 50 for covid-19 protocols. Please practice social distancing in the arena and stay within the assigned zone for the group. Your zone will be on the dressing room assignment board at the entrance of the rink and zones are clearly divided with fencing inside the rink.

Hockey PEI is moving to phase 4 of it's Return to Play plan beginning October 13. Spectators will be required to wear masks while attending any Hockey PEI activities. Anyone entering the building must check in for the purposes of potential contact tracing.
Coaches need a helmet. Players should come dressed with skates tied and a name tag on your helmet.  
I will be running each session for the first week to get everyone familiar with the program. 
Any questions,  please pass them along.
Have a great Thanksgiving and see you all next weekend. 
Zack Bell

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