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Charlottetown Minor Hockey Association
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Call for Volunteers for Return to Hockey


We are still looking for volunteers to help enable a smooth return to hockey!

The Charlottetown Minor Hockey Association is calling for volunteers to enable a smooth return to hockey this season.

Volunteers do not need to be otherwise involved in hockey. We require volunteers especially at the beginning of the year (before teams are made) to follow Hockey PEI and the CPHO's screening and contact tracing guidelines. This will involve being at the door of each rink for CMHA ice times and ensuring that all participants are self-screening and recording their information upon entry. Volunteers will likely be required for two to four hour shifts.

Without volunteers this year, we will not be able to responsibly return to hockey as an Association.

We have had a significant number of people who have already generously volunteered their time; however, the more people we have on the volunteer roster, the smaller each individual's contribution has to be.

Please reach out to with your name, your child's name, your phone number, and any preference for days/times to become a volunteer!

Thank you.

Rinks closing for the day - Thursday Feb 13


Today's (Feb 13th) SYSPEI Gold Rush - estimated pot close to $40,000


Today's (Feb 6th) SYSPEI Gold Rush - estimated pot over $28,500


Today's (Jan 30th) SYSPEI Gold Rush - estimated pot over $18,000
