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All Teams: Fundraising Opportunity


Through the 43rd Annual Spud Hockey Tournament, all association teams are being offered the opportunity to do some extra fundraising!

Hello to all Charlottetown Minor Hockey Teams!

January 25th to 28th, 2018 will mark the 43rd Annual Charlottetown Minor Hockey Association Spud Minor Hockey Tournament. This yearly tournament is CMHA’s major fundraiser each year, and all funds raised are contributed to each team in the association.

This year, the Spud Tournament will be operating an electronic 50/50 system. There will be a draw for $100 on Friday, and another $100 on Saturday. The Spud Committee is offering two fundraising opportunities for all teams within the CMHA.

  1. Pre-Sale Fundraiser (up to January 25th): To help build the 50/50 pot leading up to the event, and to give your team the opportunity to raise some money, we are offering teams the opportunity to buy ten-dollar 50/50 tickets to sell (at a minimum of $1,000 worth). The deadline for this fundraising option is Monday, January 15th. This is how it works:

    1. Your team buys $1,000 worth of tickets for $500. The $500 will then go into the Spud Tournament 50/50 pot.

    2. Your team is responsible for selling the tickets, and you keep all the money from the sales. By purchasing the $1,000 worth of tickets and selling them, your team raises a profit of up to $500.

  2. On-Site Fundraiser (January 25th to 28th): The second way for your team to be involved and raise funds is to staff the 50/50 booth during the tournament. Your team would be responsible for staffing the booth starting on Friday morning and ending on Sunday afternoon. The 50/50 booth will be set up at the MacLauchlan Arena, however you will also have the opportunity to sell at the other rinks if you wish. In exchange, your team receives 25% of the money raised on your terminal over the weekend. The more tickets you sell over the weekend, the more money your team can make. Teams may split this responsibility and the money if they wish.

If you and your team are interested in purchasing a pre-sale package or signing up for the on-site portion, please email Dean Lund, Spud 50/50 Chair, at

Lottery License #14527

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Today's (Feb 27th) SYSPEI Gold Rush - estimated pot $9,000+


Today's (Feb 20th) SYSPEI Gold Rush - pot may reach $9,000


Today's (Feb 13th) SYSPEI Gold Rush - estimated pot close to $40,000
