Hockey PEI's Coach Development Weekend
2017-08-22The Coach Development Weekend will take place September 8th-10th, 2017.
The CMHA is looking for facilitators and coaches to apply for Hockey PEI's Coach Development Weekend. The seminar will take place September 8th-10th, 2017 at the UPEI Campus. Corey McNabb (from Hockey Canada) and Bob Caldwell (from Hockey Manitoba) will be leading each session. Each seminar is free of charge and will be a mix of classroom and on-ice sessions. Snacks will be provided. There are three separate seminars over the weekend:
- Developing Checking Skills Seminar (Friday, September 8th)
- 5:00 PM - 9:30 PM at the Bell Aliant Centre and UPEI Campus.
- The purpose of this seminar is to equip the minor hockey association with on-ice facilitators with strategies and resources in order to lead Developing Checking Skills clinics in their home associations for the 2017-18 season and beyond.
- There is availability for two sign-ups from the CMHA.
- Coach Specialty Clinic Seminar (Saturday, September 9th)
- 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM at the Bell Aliant Centre and UPEI Campus.
- The purpose of this seminar is to reinforce the importance of Long Term Player Development and individual skill development, through classroom and on-ice sessions. The agenda will include two classroom sessions and two on-ice sessions. These sessions will focus on Long Term Player Development, individual skill based drills (skating and puck control), small area games, and developing defensemen.
- There is availability for three sign-ups from the CMHA.
- Initiation Program Administrator and Facilitator Training Seminar (Sunday, September 10th)
- 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM at the Bell Aliant Centre and UPEI Campus.
- The purpose of this seminar is to equip minor hockey association administrators and on-ice coaches with strategies and resources in order to design and implement their Initiation Programs for the 2017-18 season.
- It is mandatory that the CMHA sends our lead Initiation Program Administrator and lead on-ice Initiation Program Coach to the training seminar.